We worship at 10:30-11:30am on Sunday mornings. All are welcome to watch live and recorded services on our YouTube channel or to join us in the Sanctuary. Our main entrance is near the back of the parking lot. At 10:15, the Sanctuary doors open for those who would like to listen quietly to music. We have a comfort room in the back, and we provide American Sign Language interpretation. Child care and faith development classes for children and youth are available most Sundays during the worship service.
After worship, we share a coffee hour in the Social Hall and Atrium.
Various groups meet on Sundays before or after worship, including Sunday Morning Forum (most Sundays at 9:00am, except in summer), Pretty Good Book Group (once per month at noon), and Chestnut Grove (UU Pagans, once per month at noon).
Typical elements of the worship service:
Prelude and introit
Lighting the chalice
Story for all Ages
Call to Worship
Touchstones (congregants have opportunity to silently share joys or concerns)
Prayer or Meditation
Offering and musical offertory
Worship Themes
We join with other Unitarian-Universalist congregations in using worship themes as guidelines each month for our services and faith development programs. The theme for June 2024 is Renewal. There are no themes for July and August. The themes for 2024-25 are: The Practice(s) of:
Invitation (September)
Deep Listening (October)
Repair (November)
Presence (December)
Story (January)
Inclusion (February)
Trust (March)
Joy (April)
Imagination (May)
Freedom (June)
Music is provided by our staff pianist and by volunteer musicians, including Chalice Choir, jazz combo, and folk band.