Ministry Groups

Welcome to our Ministries page, where you can discover the wide range of areas in which we actively live out our faith and values. Our ministries are organized into several key areas, including Spiritual & Community Life, Social Justice, and Stewardship, each reflecting our commitment to fostering community, advocating for justice, and managing our resources wisely. These ministries form the backbone of our congregational life, providing diverse opportunities for service, worship, and social action. There is also a list of the Unitarian Universalist Association ministry groups below.

Feel inspired to get involved? Reach out to learn more about how you can contribute to or participate in these fulfilling ministries. Together, we can make a meaningful difference in our community and beyond.

Social Justice Ministries

  • Our Blessing Boxes are used to distribute items that anyone is free to take any time. The large box along the driveway is frequently stocked with pantry foods, clothing, and personal care items. Congregants, partner organizations such as the South Side Community Kitchen, and neighbors all place items in the box and clean out unusable items as needed.

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  • The Community Garden consists of 24 plots mostly cultivated by New Americans who first arrived as refugees and found us through the RDC English classes. (A few UU's also garden there.) Gardeners raise food for their families and neighbors.

    Our goals are to support the gardeners with needed resources and maintain the garden's infrastructure and appearance.

  • The Green Team was formed to consider energy-efficient, sustainable energy sources for our church building. We are initially focusing on solar panels and have investigated several possible locations. Information indicates that the south-facing roof of the east wing (RE wing) is the best location after roof replacement occurs for that aging roof.

  • We have committed ourselves to the concept and actions needed to repair the breach of inequity brought about by our country's history of slavery and the subsequent systemic racism that is inherent in our society.

    For more information, please go to our Reparations Team page

  • The team meets approximately every 3 months to discuss and select organizations for the monthly collections. Members take turns organizing information and making preparations to facilitate a collection 2 or 3 times a year.

    Our selections are aimed to:

    support local organizations that have a small enough budget that our gift makes an impact

    Support denominational organizations once or twice a year

    Support local organizations that are meeting essential needs

    Support organizations identified by current social justice teams that may extend outside of the local community and even internationally

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  • The Widening the Circle of Concern (WTCC) Implementation Team [] is a study/action group formed in March 2023. Two reports are now available: Click here to see June 2024 summary report; click here to see the team remarks in summer 2024 worship services. Drawing on the report of the UUA Commission on Institutional Change , the team’s work began with an exploration of the current state of the prevalence of white supremacy culture within Unitarian Universalism. The WTCC’s overall goal is to discern promising practices and changes for reducing barriers and providing support for marginalized groups while also engaging congregants in the process of creating long-term cultural change that can help us draw our circle wider.

Spiritual & Community

Life Ministries

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  • The Internship Committee is a group that the UUA requires Unitarian Universalist congregations that have a ministerial intern to have to support the intern. The committee members are selected by the senior minister. We attend church services and other activities in which the intern participates, and meet monthly with the intern. The committee provides a caring, resourceful liaison with the congregation, gives feedback , and helps answer questions that may arise.

    The primary goal of the Internship Committee, in providing support to the intern, is to develop and hone the intern's personal and professional skills of ministry.

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  • The primary responsibility of the Denominational Affairs Team is to promote understanding of and connection to both the Unitarian Universalist Association and the Mid-America Region. Both the Region and UUA hold gatherings called Regional Assembly and General Assembly (GA), respectively. Elected delegates vote on issues during Assembly business meetings. An orientation is offered to prepare first-time attendees for participation in Regional and General Assemblies, and facilitate connections among delegates.

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Stewardship Ministries

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  • The Archives Committee is made up of individuals with an interest in the history of the church. Having good organizational skills is a plus. Members will learn about the history of our church, as well as the core archival practices of appraisal, acquisition, accession, arrangement, preservation, description, and access. There are also opportunities to help with oral histories, church history, displays & posters, and other activities related to the sharing of our rich church history.

    The UUCGL Archives has four major objectives:

    1. To identify, preserve, and make available the Church records of the past so that they may be used to enlighten and enrich the future life of the church.

    2. To document, in so far as possible, the important events and decisions affecting the Church and its members.

    3. To preserve those (archival) documents of the Church of enduring value.

    4. To assist in the use of archival records for genealogical research, educational programs, commemorative events, decision-making, and other activities deemed appropriate by the UUCGL.

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Living Our Faith