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March WOW Wednesday: Show and Tell

We gather on third Wednesdays for “Weaving Our Web,” a program for individuals and families that starts with a simple buffet-style supper followed by an interactive circle worship on our monthly liturgical theme and a fun activity.

March’s theme is vulnerability, and we will practice it by sharing a show-and-tell after we eat! All are invited to bring a beloved object with you that has a story behind it.

Everyone is welcome to join us, and the kindness of those who can also help with setup or cleanup or donating toward costs is always appreciated. RSVP here by the previous Monday morning to let us know how many to expect, whether you have dietary restrictions, and whether we can count on you to help provide a warm welcome to all families and individuals who join us.

March 12

Ministry Sunday

March 19

Farewell Reception for the DeVaney Family