UU Lansing is busier than ever before, with mission-driven action happening at our church home nearly every hour of every day! Most of the people on our campus, most of the time, aren’t church members but activists, organizational leaders, friends, and neighbors sharing our space to care for one another and nurture a healthy community in our South Lansing neighborhood. We share our space, resources, and sometimes church members as volunteers, with a variety of local organizations that specialize in serving different needs, including three addiction support groups, two LGBTQ+-affirming choirs, the Southside Community Kitchen, the Refugee Development Center, and the Lansing Table Tennis Club. This spring, we’ll be the new hosts of the Share-A-Bike program.
Our Sundays are filled with our own worship services and other spiritual and social gatherings.
We continuously schedule single sessions and series of many classes, workshops, and educational activities for adults.
Throughout the week, we are busy with regular committee, team, and group meetings, including (subject to change):
Mondays: occasional Investment Committee meetings and alternating evening Jazz Combo and Folk Band rehearsals
3rd Tuesday nights: Worship Assistants and Finance Committee meetings
Wednesdays: Semi-Conscious Aging group (currently full) meets on 2nd Wednesdays at 10:00 a.m. Wednesday Night Worship includes online Vespers and 3rd Wednesday Weaving Our Web (WOW) suppers. The Board of Trustees meets on 4th Wednesdays at 7:00 p.m.
Thursday nights: Chalice Choir rehearsals and 4th Thursday Stewardship team meetings
Mondays through Fridays: The main office of the church is open from 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. to take care of the administration of the church and receive visitors.
Saturdays: In the summer, work days are often held outside in our community food gardens and native plant gardens. The UU Bikers often plan group rides on Saturdays and other days. On Saturdays the church is often reserved for weddings and memorial services.
This is not a comprehensive list of all church programs and groups because some meet irregularly as needed, and others are constantly forming and dissolving as needed. To keep up with everything happening at UU Lansing, explore this website, come to church on Sundays to hear announcements (or watch on YouTube), and subscribe to our church newsletter using the form at the bottom of this page. If you have a deeper interest in a specific group or project, be sure to join in and subscribe to that group’s own email list for all the details of each meeting and activity.