Board Meeting Visitor Guide

Did you know any member of UU Lansing can virtually attend a Board meeting?

Board meetings are always open to members, whether to comment or to observe. We meet on the fourth Wednesday of every month from 6:30 – 8:30 p.m., except July and when scheduling adjustments are needed to avoid holidays, etc.

To attend as an observer, send a request to to receive a link for the Board meeting.

If you want to address the Board on a governance topic, (e.g., strategic goals, bylaws, elections, etc.), you can send a request to at least one week in advance of the meeting. We have a visitor comment time at every meeting at 6:45 p.m. It is the practice of the Board not to dialogue with visitors during the meeting; however, questions or concerns at this time may be assigned for follow-up by the Board at a later date. A time limit of three minutes per visitor is imposed. We ask that you provide in advance any materials you want to share in electronic form.

Whether you are visiting as an observer or addressing the Board on a topic, you will be put in the Waiting Room until we can check that you are registered. We do this in order to improve security and protect us all from Zoom bombers.

Please note that if you have questions or input about the operations of UU Lansing (e.g., building hours, communications, staffing, etc.), those should be directed to the Senior Minister and Congregational Administrator.