May 2021 Splinters
New Board Officers were elected:
Secretary – Bob Lovell
Vice President for Finance – Rob Mack
Incoming President Deb Feltz thanked Outgoing President Judy Goth-Owens for her service in a difficult year.
Walt Wheeler and Stephanie Fleming of the Covid Task Force presented their Reopening Plan. Board members thanked the Task Force for their work this year, and the Board approved a motion of support for the plan.
Jennifer Castner of the Stewardship Committee reported that the May 2021 Auction raised about $4500. A second auction is planned for fall.
A family within the congregation has offered a matching gift of $5,000 and is inviting members of the congregation to make gifts totaling an equal amount for use in paying down the congregation’s mortgage. That match has been met by our congregants.
The "Spring Ask" launched by the Stewardship Committee last month, to fund the purchase of hardware and software to enable worship to be livestreamed and recorded in perpetuity, has raised $12,585 to date of the goal $16,000. [By the end of May, the goal was nearly reached.]
Pat Quinn will continue as one of the Board-appointed Nominations Committee members.
Rev. Neal reported that Ice Cream Sunday will be held to celebrate Teresa Putnam, retiring Director of Lifespan Faith Development, on Sunday, June 27 between 1:00 and 3:00 p.m. An offer has been made to a new Acting Director of Lifespan Faith Development.
Michael McClellan reminded the Board of the upcoming meeting with consultant Laura Park in June to continue to the process of adopting a policy governance model.
The Boardʼs next meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, June 23 at 7:00 p.m.
Prepared by Bob Lovell, Board Secretary