November 2021 Splinters
At the Board’s November 23, 2021 Meeting:
Deb Feltz was appointed as President-Elect of the Church. She will serve a second term as President of the Church for 2022-2023.
Tom Nicholas was appointed to the Board, replacing Joe Stuart, who has moved to take a new job.
Lisa Huberty was appointed to the Finance Committee.
An initial discussion on how the Finance Team might work under policy governance was held; decisions will be made at a later date.
Folks interested in solar panels at UU Lansing will hold a townhall later this winter.
Recruitment for General Assembly and Regional Assembly delegates is underway. (Contact Gale Strasburg if you are interested.)
Rob Mack, Treasurer, reported that a $10,000 LEAP grant was added to income for October. Budget vs Actual shows a net income, as of October 31, of $41,868 (including the LEAP grant and $66,767 PPP grant. Pledge income appears to be on track to reach the budgeted amount of $501,599.