August 2021 Splinters
Splinters from the Board of Trustees Meeting August 25, 2021
Sarah Matteo, our new Director of Lifespan Faith Development, was introduced by Rev. Neal Anderson. She spoke briefly, and Board members introduced themselves.
The Board’s only action item was to approve a motion to release $4,800 in the Thornton Peace Fund for use by the Community Organizer project.
The Board has continued to meet monthly with Laura Park, our hired consultant, to transition into Policy Governance from our modified Program Board system. We recognize the need to have a congregational conversation about what this means, and planning for this conversation will be a focus of our retreat as part of our theme: dealing with change and how to re-engage. The retreat is planned for September 24 and 25.
In other business, the Board approved Julia Tarsa as appointee to the Nominations Committee. Outcomes of Access and Inclusion Ministries Plan Workshop for Board (and Program Chairs) were discussed. Deb Feltz reported that she and a few members of the Board will meet with Board members of UU-Nashua to learn about their experience in moving toward policy governance.
Rev. Neal Anderson reported on childcare, technology upgrades, Covid opening plans including mask requirement, and nearly-finished kitchen remodeling. The Southside Community Kitchen looks to begin soon. Rev. Neal is hopeful that congregants will volunteer to work in the kitchen. Installation planning continues for October 23.
Judy Goth-Owens reported the Stewardship Committee will be needing a new chair as Jennifer Castner steps down. The Nominations Committee is looking for suggested qualities and skills needed for Board nominees.
Jenny Olson provided highlights from the Finance Committee report: Pledges have come in better than expected, so some of the PPE funds planned for this year may be available next year.