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Harvest Dinner

All are invited to a potluck dinner in the Social Hall to celebrate the harvest season and another year of community gardening at UU Lansing. It’s been a good year in the UU Lansing Community Garden. We have 23 active garden plots and one plot for making compost (including food scraps from the Southside Community Kitchen). Four UU gardeners shared two plots, and the other 21 plots were assigned to gardeners who arrived in this country as refugees, mostly from Burma, Sudan, and Congo. More than 21 refugee gardeners are involved, though, since many of their plots are maintained by extended families and friends.

If you happened to visit during the summer, you would have seen very productive spaces that yielded a lot of food, some of which were crops familiar to the refugees from their homelands, grown from seedlings provided by the Garden Project of the Greater Lansing Food Bank. For example, there were Roselle, African eggplant, and Thai peppers. There were also a lot of tomatoes, beans, onions, garlic, corn, cabbage, and other crops familiar to all Michiganders.

Any UU is welcome to join our Harvest Celebration in the Social Hall to celebrate the year we shared in the garden and meet our gardeners. If you can, bring a dish to share. We hope to see you there!

September 24

OWL Make-Up Orientation and First Class for families of participating 7th - 9th grade youth

September 29

Fall Campfire Party