The Unitarian Universalist Church of Greater Lansing is funded by its members and friends, totaling about 175 households who make an annual financial commitment. Gifts to our church support our contributions to the community, the personal development of our members and friends, the maintenance of our building and grounds, our faith development programs for children and youth, and our soul-sustaining worship services with a variety of music programs.

You can use the button above to give online, or you may write a check payable to UU Lansing, with a note in the memo designating the purpose of your gift (such as “pledge” or the name of a fundraiser or special collection) and mail it to 5509 South Pennsylvania Avenue, Lansing, MI 48911. Our major fundraisers are the spring auction, the December craft show and cookie sale, and other activities throughout the year. Special collections are taken each month for a different charitable organization, usually a local organization that contributes to the social justice goals of our church.

Annual Pledges and Stewardship Team

Each year, all congregants let us know what they expect to contribute financially so that we can create a responsible budget. We each give what we can so that all of us, regardless of our economic situation, can participate fully in the life of our church. This Fair-Share Contribution Guide can be helpful for making a personal decision.

All gifts to our congregation are received with gratitude and are tax-deductible to the extent of the law.

To make a pledge, please fill out a card (available at church) or contact the Congregational Administrator by phone - (517) 351-4081, x107, or email -

Our Stewardship Team supports our church’s pledge drives, capital campaigns, fundraisers, and more.

The plaques below, on the wall of the Atrium, list donors to our Capital Campaign in 2016 to fund the purchase and renovation of our current building. Contributions were gratefully received by members and friends at all levels of giving.

Wall-mounted wooden plaques with brass nameplates and blue bird silhouettes