Second Principle of Unitarian Universalism

Justice, Equity and Compassion in Human Relations

Reflection on the Second Principle

“Justice, equity, and compassion in human relations points us toward something beyond inherent worth and dignity. It points us to the larger community. It gets at collective responsibility. It reminds us that treating people as human beings is not simply something we do one-on-one, but something that has systemic implications and can inform our entire cultural way of being.

“Compassion is something that we can easily act on individually. We can demonstrate openness, give people respect, and treat people with kindness on our own. But we need one another to achieve equity and justice.

“Justice, equity, and compassion are all part of the same package. Just as the second Principle overlaps with the first, so it is related to the seventh Principle—the interdependent web of all existence.”

—Rev. Emily Gage, Unity Temple, Chicago, IL (read more from Emily in The Seven Principles in Word and Worship, ed. Ellen Brandenburg)

The Seven Priciples of Universal Unitarianism

  1. First Principle

  2. Second Principle

  3. Third Principle

  4. Fourth Principle

  5. Fifth Principle

  6. Sixth Principle

  7. Seventh Principle